
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can marketing be ethical AND effective?

Most Marketing Stinks...
Let's face it. Marketing as a whole has a bad wrap. If you've ever read any of Scott Adams' Dilbert comic strips, you know marketers are seen as self absorbed dolts who would lie to their grandmothers to generate leads. Of couse, a lot of this bad PR is rightly deserved. The underhanded tactics used by some marketers are legendary and perverse.

Isn't There a Better Way?
There's got to be a better way to market your goods and services. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a "bible" on ethical marketing that explained all the things that really work, but don't damn your soul to hell for using them? Thankfully, there is. I'm going to tell you more about it in a moment.

A Real World Example
First, I'd like to introduce the person behind this book. Starting with just a handfull of sales people, none of which was actually in sales before joining his organization, this man built an organization that litterally turned his market upside down. And while he didn't actually write down any of his marketing principles, those closest to him did, and following those principles, they built an organization that today spans the globe.

What's more, they did it before the internet, before T.V., before magazines, before newspapers. How could they be so effective without modern modes of comunications? Everything was built around word of mouth testimonials, free samples and creating relationships.

I could go on and on with this post dancing around my point like some huckster copywriter trying to build up your curiosity, but I won't. I'll spill the beans: The "bible" of ethical marketing is: Drum roll please....

The Bible.

Yep. That's right. This blog is going to explore the principles found in the Bible that will help you effectively market your company, product or service.

That's all I've got time for now, but check back soon for more.



  1. This could be good. I'm staying tuned for some practical wisdom!

  2. Well stated Brett. Good meeting you last week too. The Bible is indeed the fountain of guidance for personal conduct, no matter what the arena.


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